A trip to Bassano del Grappa
Visitors to Bassano del Grappa are not tourists; they are travellers.
Tourists follow the routes marked out for them by tour operators. Travellers follow their instincts and their desire to explore.
Bassano del Grappa lies right at the heart of the Pedemontana area, and is a town on a human scale that attracts the more sophisticated visitor, already familiar with the main tourist attractions in the region such as Venice, Verona and Padua and in search of a new destination a little off the beaten track.
This is the nature of Bassano del Grappa.
The town makes its living not from tourism, but from its own industrial and commercial businesses, and welcomes visitors as someone might a guest in their own home.
So in Bassano, you won’t find tourists, but a large number of welcome guests.
You might have trouble finding a postcard to send home, but the memory of this charming town is sure to remain with you forever.
Jacopo Poli
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