The milestones of Poli Distillerie
- Introduction
- 1898Foundation
- 1922Prem. Ditta G. B. Poli in "Guida Rossi"
- 1924New ads in the "Guida Rossi"
- 1925Company Established Fact "Poli GioBatta"
- 1929Minutes of the delivery of the cash register
- 1930Brazilian Mission
- 1933Verbal verification of the still
- 1936Manufacture and sale of alcohol
- 1937The "Vaca Mora" train stop at the Poli Distillery
- 1937Plan of the oil factory
- 1937Letter to husband
- 1939Purchase boiler "Cornovaglia"
- 1939The new production of grape seed oil
- 1940The three distilleries
- 1940Shipping wine to the distillery
- 1942Letter from the Front
- 1943A good year for the Distillery
- 1945Cascks of Grappa and panel on "Vaca Mora"
- 1947Mail to the housband
- 1948Greeting to the son
- 1949Award to Lisetta Poli
- 1950Advertising initiatives
- 1952A note of gratitude
- 1954First private telephone
- 1959The new 4 boilers alembic
- 1961Recognition to the Gio Batta Poli company
- 1966Lisetta's wedding
- 1969Event Calendar Distillery
- 1971Certificate of appreciation
- 1972Renewal of Operating Licence
- 1993Gold medal at the Poli Distillery
- 2001Second gold medal
- Poli Distillery and Confindustria
May 02, 1925 - "Camera di Commercio di Vicenza" Archive
Established s.d.f. Poli Giobatta of 3 brothers (Poli Giovanni, Beniamino e Pasquale, by GioBatta) from the firm's pre-existing poles GioBatta father was Giovanni.
<< Sheet 1 of 3
CONSTITUTION OF COMPLAINT NOW n. ECONOMICS 2613 submitted to the provincial office of the Vicenza company made "POLI GIOBATTA" Brothers of the Poli was GioBatta (Giovanni, Beniamino and Pasquale).
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The document is conventionally denoted as the start date of 10/07/1921, the day of the death of GioBatta Poli, owner of the existing sole proprietorship. The words and the question mark next to have been placed by an officer other than the one that drafted the complaint. 07/10/1921 is a date that merely "conventional" and not the actual date of commencement activities can be deduced from the fact that the RED RIDING could not otherwise mention the Poli GB Enterprises and its subsidiaries already in 1922.
It is also noted that in those days gave the distillery to work an average of 8 workers.
<< Sheet 3 of 3
The document refers to a previous complaint no. 6308 and tells the sheet 3 as a pre-existing company "Poli GioBatta was Giovanni", passed as an inheritance to children 3 signatories of the complaint, that have transformed society in fact the existing sole proprietorship of her missing father.
The existing company "POLI GIOBATTA was Giovanni" dates back to 1898, the date listed in all commercial documents business, historical as well as current as the year of foundation of the business.