The ancient steam Alembic

At the Poli Distillery three different alembics, all "in a discontinuous cycle" operate in synergy, but at the same time, they are diverse due to their different building periods and due to their heating system:
- flowing steam,
- traditional "bain-marie" and
- vacuum "bain-marie".
Let me introduce the Poli Distillery’s diamond: the Ancient steam Alembic, working non-stop since a century. Compound of 12 constant-steam-flow pots linked to three distillation columns.
You need to get close to the great alembic with the same deep respect you would address to a veteran, still strong after all the wars and scars on its copper skin. Always ready for another cook session, with that crafty and patient smile that only experience can paint onto your face.
The twelve pots that compound it were installed in different ages: the first three were introduces by GioBatta, my grand-grandfather, towards the end of the twenties.
Then my grandfather Giovanni added a fourth one, in 1959. Then my father Toni installed another four of them in 1964.
I installed the last four pots in 1983, when I was just back from the military service at the 3rd battalion "Cernaia di Pordenone"… Heir of the great 8th, if you know what I mean!
Each one of the twelve pots has a different personality: for example, my grandfather’s one is an individualist for example and doesn’t want to deal with distilling at the same rhythm of the other ones. To each one of them we need to distribute different amounts of steam, and sometimes it’s not easy to coordinate them.
That’s why we need a colonel in command, who’s able to restore the discipline and prompt them for a new distillation campaign.
Moreover, each one of them, every year, with pride and boldness of an old soldier replies: “Yes Sir!”
Jacopo Poli