Family Pasanella, living in N.Y. City booked a visit to our distillery on the 20th of March 2013. They were spending a couple of weeks in our...>>>
We would like to thank Mrs. and Mr. Di Nolfi from Zürich, Switzerland, for keeping their promise to bring their friends to Schiavon to visit...>>>
Last saturday 9th of march 2013, in a cold winter morning, we got ready at our Grappa Museum in Schiavon to welcome an enthousiastic group of young...>>>
VYNO KLUBAS has its headquartes in Vilnius, the lituanian capital and has been distributing Poli for a couple of years now. Arunas,...>>>
We have a small "Manchester" in our province: the name of the city were industrial revolution first took place is Schio, you may have...>>>
Saturday 15th of december 2012, Alberto took good care of two big groups (about 100 visitors in total) from nearby Slovenia, all of them working at...>>>