The Canadian magazine "Cellier", in edition Winter 2008/2009, dedicates a space to Poli distillates. Véronique Rivest, the...>>>
In edition 15 December 2008, the American "Wine Enthusiast" magazine recommends: -Jacopo Poli Arzente-Wine Brandy: the initial...>>>
Paul pacult, author of the American Wine Enthusiast magazine, in edition Dicember 2008, reserves a space to Poli distillates. The writer...>>>
In the Israeli forum "Wine Lovers Discussion Group", mr. Daniel Rogov. the most influent Israeli journalist, dedicates a big space...>>>
In edition 27 November 2008, the Canadian weekly newspaper "Voir" publishes an article about Poli Distillates. Nick Hamilton, the...>>>
The Isreali web site dedicates a big space to Poli Distillery. The article is written in Hebrew, but according to our...>>>