"Around the World in Eighty ... dishes" was held on Sunday the 18th of December 2011 at Scuola Media "Calderari": this...>>>
Jacopo Poli released a long interview, later published on a whole page, to "Il Gazzettino del Nord-Est", a newspaper distributed in the...>>>
No less than 10 pages were dedicated to the high plateau of Asiago, its surroundings and traditions on the december issue of TRAVEL, the major...>>>
Although Crysopea, our double boiler vacuum still used to bring "Cleopatra Moscato Oro" to life, was launched over a year ago, the press...>>>
The e-journal civiltadelbere.com kindly reported on our new Grappa Cleopatra Moscato Oro. Cleopatra Moscato is the first of three...>>>
Crysopea, our innovative bain marie vacuum still equipped with a column without distillation plates, was the object of an article on the...>>>