The Venetian magazine "Fare Impresa" invites the readers to visit the artisan distilleries of the Vicenza province during the event...>>>
The montly magazine "aTavola" published on August an article about Poli Barili di Sauternes. Barili di Sauterne is distilled with an...>>>
Last July 2011, PLAYBOY VENEZUELA featured an article about Bassano and its queen, the Grappa, which is widely know in this beautiful country in...>>>
Poli Grappas were mentioned on Friday 03.06.11 in the "El Carabobeño" Venezuelan Newspaper - "Estilo de Vida"...>>>
On Tuesday the 5th of April the newspaper "Il giornale di Vicenza" published a picture of the "Österreichische...>>>
On April 2011, the Magazine "Mototurismo", published an article about the new POLI GRAPPA MUSEUM website: Many...>>>