People fond of their work have a special energy able to influence anyone who lives close to them! Mrs. Luciana is a great example of this. She is...>>>
June is a great month for travelling around our local area and the family Künz from the German region of North Rhine-Westfalia knows it...>>>
The Patti's have all now been living in Washington state since they were born, however, as the name says it, they originate from southern Italy...>>>
The Trevisan live in Vicenza and appreciate our Grappa above all other ones, so they couldn't miss out the big chance to bring here their...>>>
A group of Grappa friends from Salzburg, Austria, came over for a guided tour to our distillery on the 12th of June 2012 and left shortly after to...>>>
On June the 12th 2012, Il underlined the carachteristics of our Grappa Sarpa Barrique that won the Chairman Trophy...>>>