Last december 5th 2013, our Poli Grappa museum in Schiavon hosted a business game created by ALLOS GROUP (Allos, Nextep e zero12) based in...>>>
"The world in a glass" to offer an overview of famous brandies and liqueurs made following traditional recipes from every corner of the...>>>
An event for very refined palates the one performed from Nov 6th to 8th 2013 in Valletta city centre in Malta. "Charles Grech"...>>>
On November 28th 2013 at 5 p.m, the Poli Distillery will be hosting the "Third debate on competitiveness", organised by Confindustria...>>>
Dina and Shahaf are engaged and live not far from Tel Aviv in Israel. They were here last November 27th 2013 to tour our Poli Grappa...>>>
"Della Lucia" high school located in Feltre is a forward looking school set in beautiful surroundings and provides a prestigious venue...>>>