On November the 18th 2016 the first edition of Vinafrica took place and we couldn’t miss it. Our fabulous importer Koko Djaba from VDB...>>>
On Thursday, 17th November 2016 we were in Garlate, in the Lecco province, at the wine bar “Bacco per Bacco”. For Diego’s...>>>
Over 70 people learnt this year how to distill with passion Grappa at the Poli Distillery. Some agents and selected customers came...>>>
“Where there’s no wine there’s no love; and mortals have no other language” The exclusive Hotel Louis C. Jacob of...>>>
The Company’s culture week comes back! From November 10th to 24th 2016 free guided tours of the distillery will take place thanks to the...>>>
Yesterday, Tuesday 8th November over 300 people participated to Robert Johnson’s conference. The team event, organized by Confartigianato...>>>