On Friday the 22nd of June 2007 we had, as guests, a group of students from the Columbia University of New York (Italian Faculty); in this period...>>>
On Thursday the 21st of June 2007, we had the pleasure to give hospitality to the staff of one our Swedish clients - Mamma Mia Restaurant in...>>>
On Wednesday the 20th of June 2007, we had a visit from Mr. Simon Beaulieu from the Whisky Cafè in Montreal and his friend...>>>
On the 7th of June 2007, we had the pleasure to host ms. Mèlanie St-Jean, marketing manager of the Restaurants Pacini inc. (Montreal),...>>>
On Thursday the 7th of June 2007 we had a visit from a Swedish group from Olvemarks Holiday who have a passion for Grappa. The guests...>>>
On Monday the 4th of June 2007, we had a visit from Mr. Uguccioni Davide, owner of La Fontana (Fano), with his wife, his son Giovanni and a...>>>