On Monday the 18th of May we welcomed the Journalist Jason Wilson from "Washington Post" - Washington DC. Mr. Wilson interviewed...>>>
On Friday the 8th of May, the well known Swedish television-journalist Bengt Frithiofsson visited our Distillery. His intention was give to...>>>
The Poli Distillery supports the Tennis Club of Bassano del Grappa that organized the Italian WheelChair Tennis Championship from the 2nd till...>>>
On Wednesday the 29th of April 2009 we received the pleasant visit of mr. Bouke Nielsen and his family. He is a journalist for a regional newspaper...>>>
The Belgian journalist Mr. Herman Cole wrote in 2009 a travel guide for north Italy "100 x Noord-Italie". Among his reccomendations the...>>>
Stefano Ferronato graduated at the University "Ca' Foscari" in Venice, Economy's Faculty, Course in Network's Economy...>>>