After enjoying 16 different meetings to introduce Grappa as a way of life to local hotels and restaurants owners in the Northern Italy, Jacopo and...>>>
On a sunny sunday afternoon, the 12th of February 2012, we received the visit of a pretty big group from our region, the Veneto. They all were...>>>
Mr. Jagot and his class from EHA (Ecole hotelière d'Avignon) decided to visit our distillery on thursday the 2nd of February 2012 as a...>>>
DEHOGA is a German association meant to gather tourism-related companies, hotels and B&B owners throughout the country: they are this way...>>>
Our Poli ambassador, Alberto, is a brave lad and the frozen temperatures (-10°C at noon !) he experienced in Norway didn't scare him at all...>>>
"Linea Verde" has been a fixed appointment since 1981 for many italian families on Sunday at lunchtime: the very best in wines and...>>>