On Wednesday the 6th of April 2011 we received the pleasant visit of "Wein & Co" Shop Managers from Austria. Jacopo Poli...>>>
On Wednesday the 06th of April 2011 Mr. Roberto Astuni - from "Alla Corte Restaurant" in Bassano del Grappa - was the ambassador for...>>>
On Tuesday the 05th of April 2011 we received a nice group of Students of the Hotellerie School of Recoaro Terme. We guided the group through...>>>
On Thursday the 05th of April the staff of the famous Schnapps Distillery & Vinegar Production Alois Gölles from Austria...>>>
On Tuesday the 5th of April the newspaper "Il giornale di Vicenza" published a picture of the "Österreichische...>>>
On Friday the 1st of April we received the pleasant visit of the "Österreichische Weinbruderschaft ÖWB" group: Rudolf...>>>