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The faun

Ever since the start of its activity, the distillery’s production included Grappa and liqueurs.

There were just a few grappas:  the young one, the aged one and Rue Grappa.
The liqueurs, on the other hand, were at least thirty.
Among these stood out a liqueur obtained from the infusion of plums in food-grade alcohol, called “Slivowitz di prugne”.

GioBatta Poli entrusted the task of designing the label to a teacher of drawing at the Art School of Nove, a town close to Schiavon and famous for its production of hand painted artistic ceramics.

A strange character was thus born, a faun, a pagan deity protecting woods and crops, who made his appearance on the label with a mischievous smile.

In the Thirties the Italianization, that cultural-political operation that aimed at replacing all foreign words with Italian ones, reached also the small town of Schiavon.

Dry liqueur

Pruma Veneta

Infusion in Grappa and alcohol of pure plum juice and plum distillate

In 1898 the smile of Faun, protector of crops, was good company for those savouring the Slivovitz of GioBatta Poli.

In 1938 the name was Italianised and became Pruma, but the original recipe which required the use of pure plum distillate remained unchanged in order to guarantee the unmistakable almond bouquet. 

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Raw material: infusion in alcohol of pure Plum juice and distillate
Aroma: fruited and almondy
Taste: dry, fruited, characteristic of Plum with a pleasant “macaroon” final
% Alc - Content: 43% Alc./Vol - 700 ml
Service: at temperature of 10/15 °C - 50/59 °F in a tulip-shaped glass

Poli Pruma Veneta with metal tube - Grappa based liqueur
